Beyond Developmental Evaluation 101 – Applying Developmental Evaluation Principles in Practice


Developmental evaluation (DE) supports innovative and adaptive development in complex dynamic environments. For evaluators working in complex situations, where there is high uncertainty and low agreement about what ought to be done, DE offers a critical and pragmatic alternative to traditional evaluation approaches. There is no prescribed set of methods, tools, or techniques for DE; there is no recipe, formula, or standardized procedures. Rather, DE is a way of approaching the challenge of evaluating social innovation through guiding principles. The fidelity and integrity of DE is defined by a suite of principles of practice, rather than a set of standards or rules. Principles-based DE offers a fresh approach that is situational, contextual, culturally responsive, and ethical. Participants will learn about the unique niche of principles-based DE and the thinking and practice that informs the approach, including systems thinking and complexity, indigenous philosophies and methodologies, resilience and critical race theories, decolonization and discourses, and a transformative paradigm. This workshop builds on the beginner level workshop presented at the 2016 CES conference in St. John’s.

You will learn:

  • the theory and practice of developmental evaluation as well as the niche, strengths, and limitations of principles-based developmental evaluations
  • the key factors in deciding whether to undertake a principles-based developmental evaluation
  • the practice of principles-based developmental evaluation including some of the pitfalls, tensions, and barriers
  • tools and tips for conducting principles-based developmental evaluation
  • strategies to strengthen evaluators’ abilities


From Waikato, New Zealand, Kate McKegg, Nan Wehipeihana, and Nora Murphy of the are three of the world’s leading developmental evaluation practitioners, with strong commitments to contributing to the development of DE knowledge and practice. All three facilitators have contributed to articles and books on DE, most recently to Developmental Evaluation Exemplars: Principles in Practice (2015), and all have been recognized for their DE work, winning evaluation awards in Australia and the US for DE projects. Nan, Kate and Nora are highly experienced trainers and presenters and have extensive individual and collective experience facilitating professional development workshops. Over the past 15 years they have presented well-received workshops and seminars in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Malaysia, United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom. They are representing the Kinnect Group of Waikato, New Zealand

You can contact Kate McKegg via email at






Some basic understanding of evaluation concepts and theories and some experience using diverse methods and approaches.


Sunday, April 30 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Link to CE competencies for evaluators

  • Acts ethically and strives for integrity and honesty
  • Develops evaluation designs
  • Respects the uniqueness of the site
  • Identifies and mitigates problems / issues
  • Attends to issues of diversity and culture