Learning Processes and Tools for Use in Developmental Evaluation


Processes of learning are foundational to developmental evaluation (DE) to support social innovation and program development.  Public sector work in the 21st century means complexity, adaptation, and innovation as the norm in providing services to the changing realities of society. New programs are typically grounded in an understanding of the critical social needs or problems and who are the stakeholders and target population, but may not be fully developed in terms of a having a model of intervention or delivery to address those needs.  As plans are designed and actions/activities piloted, DE becomes a mean of assessing and guiding the program to meet those social needs.  This workshop will provide an overview of the principles of developmental evaluation and introduce process learning tools that have been used by seasoned evaluators to guide the development, sustainability, and effectiveness of the program intervention.

You will learn:

  • how to identify the appropriate context for using developmental evaluation and to apply principles of inquiry, engagement and reflection to promote the innovation and adaptation of social purpose programs
  • how to use tools of engagement and inquiry to ask evaluative questions and implement change in a developmental evaluation context
  • to apply your interpersonal and situational practice competencies to attend to the unique stakeholder interests and emergent issues of a complex contextual environment


Dr. Keiko Kuji-Shikatani (CE) is an internal evaluator for the Ontario Ministry of Education infusing evaluative thinking in collaborative teams to build ministry and sector capacity for the use of evidence to inform decisions and implementation.  Known internationally for her expertise in Developmental Evaluation, evaluation capacity building in organizations, and evaluator competencies, Keiko’s recent contributions include being international advisor through the Thai Evaluation Network.  Ms Megan Börner is the Manager for Research, Evaluation & Capacity Building Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Education.

You can contact Keiko Kuji-Shikatani via email at kujikeiko@gmail.com.






Some experience doing evaluation. Basic knowledge of design of evaluation (ESS course is sufficient).  Basic understanding of inquiry methods.


Sunday, April 30 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm

Link to CE competencies for evaluators

  • Frames evaluation questions
  • Develops evaluation designs
  • Defines evaluation methods
  • Identifies the interests of all stakeholders
  • Attends to issues of evaluation use